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The hottest marketing trend online at the moment is running promotions on group buying websites like Groupon and LivingSocial.
1 Oct 2010
If you're looking to brainstorm ideas for new content then a good place to start is by monitoring trending topics online. If you want to capture the attention of a larger audience, writing a blog post about a popular trending topic can give your website a huge traffic boost.
5 Aug 2010
In this challenging economy, how you promote and position your business will be key to your success. For many entrepreneurs who are looking to sell their products and services to a wider audience, a common question is should you start an offline or an online business, or both?
30 Jul 2010
Whenever you run a PPC Ad Campaign, it is important that you track and optimize its business value. For Google Adwords, it is easy to use the automatically tagged URLs to track your campaigns in Google Analytics.
15 Jun 2010
Signaling a seismic shift in the way people discover and share content, Facebook has  surpassed Google as the #1 most-visited website this week.
15 Mar 2010
The Holiday Season is a busy time for online retailers and for many companies it can make or break a sales year. Thankfully, there are more ways than ever to reach potential customers online.
9 Dec 2009
Pick up the December edition of Make it Business magazine and you may notice a familiar face on the front cover.
1 Dec 2009
(You're currently reading the previous version published in November 2009. To read the 2013 version, click here.)
27 Nov 2009
With all the links being shared on social media communities like Twitter and Facebook, choosing the right link shortener is essential for maximizing your SEO efforts.
17 Nov 2009

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