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There is no doubt that websites offer companies many opportunities to gather information about their visitors. When users ‘register’ they give away contact details to make a purchase, download a white paper, or watch a webinar.
27 Mar 2012
If you need yet another reason to invest in social media, here’s one: search engines are evolving to favour social media.
29 Feb 2012
Remember those guidelines for writing press releases? Start with the most essential information in the lead paragraph: the who, what, when, where and how of why this is a newsworthy announcement. Then move on to information that substantiates the lead paragraph.
17 Feb 2012
Back in May 2011, Google shared some statistics that showed 20% of searches are local, and that for mobile search the number climbs to 40%.
10 Feb 2012
Literary agents have a name for the thousands of manuscripts that come through their door each day from hopeful authors. It’s called the “slush pile”. The agent's job is to read through that slush pile and pick out the few that are worth taking to market.
20 Jan 2012
When a company wants an effective sales tool, there are few types of collateral that deliver as much impact as a well-written case study. A case study offers these benefits:
15 Nov 2011
When you run a digital marketing agency, the #1 query you get is: if I contract with you for search engine optimization (SEO), can you guarantee a first pl
19 Oct 2011
Your homepage is the first encounter many customers have with your business. How important is it to make a good first impression?
27 Sep 2011
Testimonials are Dead: Long Live User Reviews You’ve worked really hard to collect customer testimonials for your website.
31 Aug 2011
Blogs can be a great asset to your business’ website because they are a way to connect with potential and existing clients. However, it can be a struggle to come up with fresh content on a regular basis.
16 Jun 2011

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